Kullanım Koşulları

You will be deemed to have consented to the Terms of Use, Privacy Policy and Information Notice by accessing and using our website. The website is managed by TRtest.

In no event shall TRtest or its affiliates be liable for any direct or consequential damages that may arise from any breach of contract, tort or any other reason as a result of accessing the mentioned website, using the website or information on the website and using any other programs, etc. In no event shall TRtest or its affiliates be liable for any interruption of service, errors, negligence, outages arising from any breach of contract, tort, negligence or any other reasons.

This website may contain links or references to other websites which are not under the control of TRtest. TRtest is not responsible for the contents or other links which these websites contain.

TRtest users are exclusively liable for all kinds of electronic messages such as comments, contents, photographs, audio files etc. which are added on the website by them. Posts uploaded on the website do not reflect the academic, scientific, political and cultural tendencies of TRtest. No legal or criminal liability and/or claim shall be directed to TRtest due to any content shared by the users.

Users shall be exclusively liable for sharing incorrect, incomplete, overdue, misleading, illegal, disturbing or damaging content or information, since TRtest does not monitor the content. It is not possible to submit such a request in this regard to TRtest.

The users have discretion regarding whether to click on the links shared on the website. The legal conditions and privacy policies of third party applications and websites shall not bind TRtest. The privacy principles, ethical principles and terms of use of the websites visited are valid and TRtest shall not be held liable for any potential pecuniary loss and non-pecuniary loss which may arise due to visiting the mentioned sites.

TRtest does not guarantee the accuracy, completeness and adequacy of the information present on the website and shall not be held accountable in any event and for any reason whatsoever with regards to any errors or omissions in this information. Therefore, users are advised to confirm/verify the accuracy of the information before they act based on the information/opinion and contents obtained from this website. Users shall be fully liable for any commercial or other decisions which they took based on such information and TRtest cannot be held liable for inadequate, outdated or inaccurate information.

TRtest gives no express, implied or legal guarantees with regards to the information on the website, including but not limited to, non-infringement of third personal rights, transferability, assignability, merchantability, suitability for a particular purpose and/or being free from any computer viruses.

In no event shall TRtest and/or its employees be liable for any direct or consequential loss, which may arise due to, including but not limited to, performance failures, errors, omissions, downtime, faults, delays in operation and/or transfer, computer viruses and/or line and/or system failures that may occur during the use of the website, even if they were notified of the possibility of occurrence of such loss and damage beforehand.

Except for the materials in the website, which are owned by third parties, all other information and materials as well as all copyrights, registered trademarks, patents, intellectual and other property rights associated with such information and materials shall belong to TRtest.

TRtest reserves the right to change and update these conditions and provisions in this disclaimer and also all kinds of products and services, pages, information, visuals, content, opinions and informations on the website without prior notice. TRtest, which operates under the roof of TRtest, is the legal owner or license holder of all kinds of materials including the general view and design of this website, all information, images, TRtest brands and other brands, TRtest.global domain, logo, icons, demonstrative, written, electronic, graphics or machine-readable technical data, computer software, applied sales system, business method and business model and also intellectual and industrial property rights related to these materials and is under protection. No material, including the code and software, found on the website may be altered, copied, reproduced, translated into another language, republished, uploaded on another computer, posted, forwarded, transmitted or distributed without the prior authorization and without referring to the source. The whole or part of the website may not be used on any other website without authorization. Actions to the contrary shall give rise to legal and criminal liability.

Since TRtest does not monitor the contents on the website, the users are solely liable for any damages arising from any commercial and other decisions taken based on the news, event announcements, invitations, explanations, notifications, promotions etc. shared on the website and for any damages arising from the removal, alteration of any related content, delay or cancellation of events. In particular, users are exclusively responsible for confirming the accuracy and actuality of the events announced, calls and invitations and all other content on the website. TRtest shall not accept any legal or criminal claims in this respect. In the event that TRtest sustains any damages due to such claims as a result of any person acting contrary to this disclaimer TRtest shall have recourse against the User for this damage.

TRtest reserves the right to alter any kind of services, products, terms of use and information provided on the website and its extension, to re-organize the website and cease broadcasting without prior notice. Changes shall become effective immediately upon being published on the website.
